Situs Lowongan Kerja LSM/NGO di Indonesia

Tersedia Ribuan Lowongan Kerja NGO, silahkan mendaftar segera kirim lamaran anda untuk Lowongan pekerjaan NGO. .

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    Bursa Lowongan Kerja DEPNAKER Terbaru Maret 2017 Lulusan SMA SMK D3 S1 Semua Jurusan Lowongan BANK BUMN CPNS Maret 2017

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    Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

    Combine Resource Institution Membutuhkan Staf Akuntansi Penempatan di Yogyakarta

    Combine Resource Institution (CRI) adalah LSM yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan jaringan informasi berbasis komunitas di Yogyakarta membutuhkan posisi Staf Akuntansi.


    • D3 atau S1, Jurusan Akuntansi
    • Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang yang sesuai (diutamakan pengalaman di LSM)
    • Memiliki pengalaman menyusun anggaran kegiatan & laporan keuangan dengan memahami pedoman PSAK 45 (PSAK untuk Organisasi Nirlaba)
    • Memiliki pengalaman dan kemampuan dalam bidang perpajakan
    • Lebih disukai yang punya pengalaman menggunakan software keuangan
    • Mampu bekerja dalam situasi tertekan, tenggat waktu yang singkat, dan dalam tim.
    Jika tertarik dan merasa tepat dengan persyaratan di atas, silahkan kirim CV dan lamaran melalui email ke alamat

    Lamaran paling lambat di tunggu tanggal 30 Maret 2017. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dihubungi.


    Combine Resource Institution
    Jl. KH. Ali Maksum No. 183, Pelemsewu, Panggungharjo
    Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183
    Telp. 0274-411123

    APIK Indonesia Mencari Konsultan Model Risiko Iklim dan Perancangan Kebijakan Untuk Indonesia

    Scope of Work
    Development of Academic Paper and Drafting for Ministerial Regulation in Support of Implementation of Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
    USAID’s five year “Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan” (APIK) Project supports the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the regional and community levels. In support of this overall objective, APIK seeks to:
    • Mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national governance frameworks;
    • Build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards; and
    • Support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.
    At the national level, APIK provides technical assistance to national level ministries to strengthen their understanding of climate change (including climate variability) and the impact of climate-related natural disasters, and to mainstream tools and approaches that facilitate the systematic consideration of climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) in their core planning, budgeting, and operations as well as monitoring and evaluation. Given the cross-cutting nature of CCA/DRR, APIK works with economy-wide agencies—such as the Ministry of Planning (Bappenas) and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)—as well as technical ministries such as Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Public Works and Public Housing (PUPERA), Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR), and Agriculture (Kementan).

    Amnesty International Job Vacancies: 3 Positions based in Jakarta - Indonesian

    Amnesty International (AI) is establishing an office in Indonesia. We are seeking a proven expert on Indonesia, to lead on the development and implementation of campaigning strategies, and to manage and coordinate action on human rights concerns that ensures a lasting impact.

    About the role
    In this key role, you’ll be responsible for designing and coordinating our campaigns on Indonesia, working with researchers, legal specialists and capacity builders to build an integrated strategy for change. You’ll also provide advocacy support to Amnesty colleagues and activist partners across the nation and globally. You’ll certainly make a valuable contribution to effective management of our campaigning work, but we’ll also expect you to be self-sufficient; carrying out day-to-day admin, finance and impact reporting.

    About you
    Proven campaigning skills, impartial political judgement, excellent communication skills, coupled with strong strategic thought and an open and result oriented approach to your work are essential. So is specialist knowledge of Indonesia. Expertise in one or several human rights issue relevant to West Africa region would be an asset. You must have first-hand experience of Indonesia and awareness and understanding of its cultures. Fluency in English is essential.

    Amnesty International Job Vacancies Base in Indonesian

    The Global Fund Job Vacancy: Finance Administration PMU GF HSS - West Lombok

    The Global Fund bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan RI dalam program penguatan sistem kesehatan, membutuhkan staf Financial Administration untuk penempatan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat - NTB
    Ruang Lingkup:
    • Mendukung dan memfasilitasi transaksi administrasi keuangan harian dan memastikan sesuai dengan regulasi keuangan
    • Mendukung dan melakukan manajemen keuangan proyek termasuk mempersiapkan dan mereview semua dokumen keuangan untuk menjadi masukan dalam membuat financial report  bulanan dan dokumen pendukung yang dilaporkan ke finance specialist
    • Memastikan semua pengeluaran sesuai dengan workplan di Provinsi dan Kab/Kota
    • Monitoring cash flow, pengajuan uang muka dan realisasi keuangan proyek ditingkat Provinsi dan Kab/Kota
    • Mengkoordinasikan dan monitoring finance kab/kota untuk menyerahkan dan melengkapi dokumen keuangan serta financial report tepat waktu untuk direview dan diserahkan ke finance pusat
    • Mendukung dan memastikan bahwa semua penggunaan dana untuk semua transaksi dibuat dengan persetujuan dari penanggung jawab (bendahara pembantu pengeluaran).
    • Mengatur penggunaan petty cash sesuai dengan regulasi keuangan
    • Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas (pegawai negeri/TNI/Polri dan sejenisnya);
    • Tingkat pendidikan minimal s1 ekonomi diutamakan di bidang akutansi
    • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun diutamakan di bidang keuangan
    • Diutamakan mampu menggunakan aplikasi keuangan
    • Memiliki kemampuan MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
    • Diutamakan mampu menulis dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
    • Diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah yang dipilih
    Mohon mengisi FORM PENDAFTARAN pada link berikut: CLICK HERE 
    Lampirkan CV dan dokumen pendukung ke PMTGFHSS@GMAIL.COM dengan Subject: FINANCE KabLombok Barat

    Aplikasi lamaran kami terima paling lambat tanggal 29 Maret 2017

    WWF Indonesia Job Vacancy: Sustainable Finance Research and Analyst Officer - Jakarta

    If you care about the environment and want to contribute to conservation efforts in Indonesia, this is the opportunity for you to join the largest national conservation organization in Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, an independent national conservation organization, is part of a global network of WWF. WWF-IDN is currently seeking for the best candidate for the position of Sustainable Finance Research and Analyst Officer (Temporary)

    This position will be based in Jakarta and report to Responsible Investment Senior Officer. The job holder will be responsible to assist the team and FSA team in managing sustainable finance work in Indonesia, including carrying out pilot project on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) integration for banks and other non-bank financial institutions, carrying out necessary research and analysis on sustainable finance, supporting the development of needed materials of this project and follow-up activities such as workshops with banks, working and liaising with the banks to carrying out ESG integration practices in their lending and advisory activities.

    WWF-Indonesia is looking for a unique person to support Sustainable Finance team in their efforts to carrying out the pilot project and to work closely with the FSA.
    • Assist the team and the FSA team in running sustainable banking pilot project;
    • Assist the team and the FSA team in managing research and analysis on sustainable finance related topics, working with banks and other non-bank financial institution on developing responsible lending and financing policies as well as other relevant work;
    • Assist the team and the FSA team in managing communication materials including website, articles and other necessary materials;
    • Assist the team and the FSA in managing workshop, meeting and other necessary administration matters;
    • Keep abreast of trends and developments relevant to sustainability and finance.
    Requirements for This Position are
    • Degree in economics, Master in environment management/ agriculture or forestry is preferred;
    • Minimum of 5 years working experience in finance or sustainability; has an experience working in a bank as a relation manager/ risk officer/ credit officer for at least 3 years is preferred.
    • Has an experience in doing research and analysis on finance/ economics/ sustainability on a day to day basis is preferred.
    • Has a good analytical thinking;
    • A good understanding of how environmental concerns and the sustainability agenda relate to material business risks and opportunities;
    • General knowledge of the finance sector levers for change as they relate to sustainability;
    • Ability to work both independently as well as in a team and ability to work proactively;
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills. Fluency in English is essential.
    • Adheres to important values which are: LearningKnowledgeable, Determined, Cooperative, Engaging, Good Working Ethics and Sharing.
    Interested applicants should send their CV and Cover Letter to with the subject of Sustainable Finance Research and Analyst Officer (Temporary)

    Applications will be closed 7 days after the publication of this advertisement (April 20th). Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

    Be a part of us, who is currently working in 28 regions in 17 provinces from Aceh to Papua, with more than 500 staffs and supported by more than 64,000 supporters in Indonesia. WWF Indonesia also works with governments, local communities, private sector, NGOs, civil society, and the public at large.

    WWF Indonesia Job Vacancy: Finance and Administration Officer for Ujung Kulon

    If you care about the environment and want to contribute to conservation efforts in Indonesia, this is the opportunity for you to join the largest national conservation organization in Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, an independent national conservation organization, is part of a global network of WWF. WWF-IDN is currently seeking for the best candidate for the position of Finance and Administration Officer for Ujung Kulon.

    This position will be based in Ujung Kulon and report to Ujung Kulon Project Leader. The job holder will be responsible to contribute in budgeting and ensuring fund availability as well as program budget, and it also includes projecting budget position to ensure the balance of budget allocation for all components of program implementation, operational, staff cost; ensure that budget management and financial administration for WWF-Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon project is efficiently and effectively implemented in accordance to donors’ regulations, administrative policy, finance and personalia of WWF-Indonesia, Indonesia’s accountancy standards (Standar Akuntansi Indonesia – PSAK) so that financial performance in WWF-Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon Project can be achieved in line with plans and strategies of the project, and complied to standard of internal and external audit.

    Requirements for This Position are:

    • Minimum of bachelor degree from Accountancy or Financial Management
    • Minimum of 5 years of experiences in management of project budget
    Interested applicants should send their CV and Cover Letter to with the subject of Finance and Administration Officer for Ujung Kulon.

    Applications will be closed 7 days after the publication of this advertisement (March 28th). Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

    Be a part of us, who is currently working in 28 regions in 17 provinces from Aceh to Papua, with more than 500 staffs and supported by more than 64,000 supporters in Indonesia. WWF Indonesia also works with governments, local communities, private sector, NGOs, civil society, and the public at large.

    KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Is Looking for CSO for District Planning Process - Indonesian

    KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis (TB).

    KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation has a strong reputation in national and international TB control to help combat tuberculosis in Indonesia in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health; the National TB Control Program (NTP).


    Interested CSOs can submit the proposal and the CV no later than 24.00 WIB; April 1, 2017 on Saturday to the address:

    Further detail of TOR and tender information can be downloaded from the following address: CLICK HERE